"On the road to personal fulfillment, our body is our best ally. It carries in memory 'hidden in evidence' at the same time all the lived experience and the solutions of our problems. ".

It is a health professional, researcher, writer, Olivier Soulier, who declares that (Sis' Lucie went to see him in a conference). He is doing research, analyze patient after patient the evidence of such a belief since 1980. In the same field, the "total biology" as well as some scientists looking at the question: Ryke Geerd Hamer, the new Germanic medicine, Claude Sabbah, Luc Bigé. I take into consideration that science is needed to be believed, otherwise the world full of esotericism would be beyond understanding...
I believe thoroughly the body signs and language in a close relationship with the mind. Meanwhile, if bad news falls on my back, maybe I'll call it all into question, or will it take time to get back to believing it, using magic oils and precise massages. When everything is alright, it's easy to make theories of everything on everything.
When I talk about this way of seeing things (ie, physical pain may greatly be influenced by the thinking system), I often put myself in the person's position in front of me. We should be careful of generalizations, and that according to the severity of the symptoms and the disease, it is necessary to give reason to the body, to the past or to the classical medicine (she has indeed always treated and heals so many lives) ... It is very controversial. The certainty of treating cancer with meditation, dropping treatments that have been proven, there is not one truth, it is a mixture.
Case by case, matters of beliefs, here we are.
Adapting to the level of belief of everyone, we can use the signs of the body for simple problems:
Coffee: what's worse than one, maybe two, full-bodied even, or just a cigarette; what is worse than to destroy a natural balance which the body forces itself to restore? We all need boosters J It depends on the level of sensitivity of each, an overconsumption is obviously destructive. In theory, we can listen to ourselves, control ourselves to stop needing it.
Cold? Maybe take a little more time to sleep or refocus?
Bad mood? What is the true source of it? Sometimes just an extra liter of water can improve the day.
Angina: I stop talking about my life, open my mouth sometimes and I listen more to others, actively and sincerely. Something that I cannot express with the person in front of me… Accept it. Become humble, support those in need, turn your head up, stop focusing on yourself.
Bulimia: filling a gap, but which one? How to fill it in a better way? How to change a small thing to forget or restore the lack?
Blow-out, burn-out: slow down gradually so as not to upset neither the entourage, nor oneself, but to slow down a little to a lot, according to the priorities, the opportunities (they are there in front of your eyes), the conditions of the moment. As human, we carry much and we know it.
Reno's disease and / or myopia: small defects related to the fear of the future. Impossible to restore it, so what solutions, what compromises? Listen to your instincts when you're fine and follow him at all costs during the moment of doubts, watch only tomorrow, or next week, make decisions when things are going well and stick to them during times of doubt.
The body is not so autonomous that one would believe. We realize it in old age when everything begins to roll over. "Menta sana in corpore sano and mento sano in corpora menta" (the declensions are surely false). Why not take care of your soul just as you take care of your body?
I do not necessarily like the concept because people make a business while the approach should be natural, but personal development is a discipline that could solve many sufferings.
It is a constant balance that one must force oneself to maintain or reestablish listening to some body signals through common sense (this requires a personal rigor, the one I failed to have at school haha).
It is putting such observations in one corner of one's head, neither attaching too much importance, nor ignoring them, and staying open, flexible to their analysis. Step back. There is indeed an infinity of possible explanations for a problem, which affects the body until it is felt, even too obvious.
Being young, I lived less, in peace, I can dissect it a little more easily. With age, innumerable and diverse experiences, the hazards of life, we must go back to the past or the near present, extremely difficult exercise, depressing, lonely. But nobody is alone in this process, we must keep that in mind.
Who can doubt that massaging the foot or groin solves stomach problems or that a pressure of the lobes eventually improves the memory...
Through massage, I discover an activity in which I can forget time, finally ... I'm one of those people who do not had enough passion to go to a destiny. I grope and ask myself a thousand questions since a long time. And it's only 6-7 years later that I have a beginning of compromise that suits me. To be continued…
To conclude, in addition to a growing confidence that can asserts this trip, I want to maintain a constant level of energy, to age well, advise legitimately and precisely others and continue to get inspiration to develop myself perpetually, to become inspiring. To go beyond the words negatively connoted that we do not care about in our head: death, old age, suffering, problems etc.
I study doshas, magnetism, energies, I continue to try so much things, to go from experiences to loss of confidence, rediscovery, growth. Too bad there are so many stereotypes and mockery behind meditation because I think it's a great way to stay healthy.
